The book turned out better than I expected. Louis Is a vampire who's been around since the 1700's. After becoming a vampire, it seems that he just wanted peace in his life... seeing that everyone he knew was dead. This book was full of so much tragedy... I can see why this guy just wants peace. Louis' brother dies in the beginning and then two girls that became vampires that he was with.
Claudia I found to be an interesting character. You have this 6 year old girl who becomes a vampire. Since she is a vampire at that age, she will always be stuck at that age. Sure her mind will mature with much knowledge but she won't be able to experience "woman hood." For that Claudia was jealous of all the women for she can not have what they have... so she starts killing women. I like this character for I never have read a character like this. It really caught my eye. For all the vampires you see are either big strong men or beautiful women. It was good to see a change.
Lestat is the villain of the story. You obviously need a villain though for this one I didn't care that much for. Sure he created Louis to help the story to keep moving but I feel they could of dine more with this character. They say keep your friends close but your enemies closer, which I feel holds well in this story. For the villain made the hero of the story.. well I should say Bionic hero for he reads well on that term.
Overall I feel this story was quite well indeed. It was more vampires against vampires and a fight for peace. Something you don't see in vampire movies or books now-a-days.
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