Thursday, September 17, 2009

Interview with a Vampire

        Interview with a Vampire was a book I was puzzled at first but decided to give it a chance. 
 The book turned out better than I expected. Louis Is a vampire who's been around since the 1700's. After becoming a vampire, it seems that he just wanted peace in his life... seeing that everyone he knew was dead. This book was full of so much tragedy... I can see why this guy just wants peace. Louis' brother dies in the beginning and then two girls that became vampires that he was with.  
       Claudia I found to be an interesting character. You have this 6 year old girl who becomes a vampire. Since she is a vampire at that age, she will always be stuck at that age. Sure her mind will mature with much knowledge but she won't be able to experience "woman hood." For that Claudia was jealous of all the women for she can not have what they have... so she starts killing women. I like this character for I never have read a character like this. It really caught my eye. For all the vampires you see are either big strong men or beautiful women. It was good to see a change. 
      Lestat is the villain of the story. You obviously need a villain though for this one I didn't care that much for. Sure he created Louis to help the story to keep moving but I feel they could of dine more with this character. They say keep your friends close but your enemies closer, which I feel holds well in this story. For the villain made the hero of the story.. well I should say Bionic hero for he reads well on that term. 
      Overall I feel this story was quite well indeed. It was more vampires against vampires and a fight for peace. Something you don't see in vampire movies or books now-a-days.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

    Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a parody of a book from 1813 called, "Pride and Prejudice". People are all about the zombie hype... oh and they're ninjas in the book too. The book starts out kind of confusing because of so many characters are introduced. The book was ok but I never really fell into the whole zombie craze. Like I said in the post of answering the question.... I feel that all those zombies movies that were made have been playing out the zombie fad too much. Sure it was good the first time but now it seems redundant to me. The same thing happens in those movies... people are stranded , they have no connection to the outside world and they have to either sit in a room to stay safe or fight their way out. 
   Now I know this is a book ... not a movie.. also that it's just a spoof  but I didn't feel this book was right for me. These girls were trained with karate and muskets, which was cool on a way because usually it's a group of strong guys who think their tougher than the other... which is makes no good conflict at all. 
   Pretty much Elizabeth Bennet and her four sisters are trained to fight zombies by their father. Also hoping they marry wealthy men. They run into zombies... fight them... and near the end Darcy.. a man Elizabeth likes, they end up fighting together and falling in love. 
   So it's a love story with zombies.. if you like stuff like this then I guess this is right up your alley. For me I need just a lot of explosions. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


    Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is a book that I found interesting. At first it was confusing because you have a narrator narrating from letters that was narrated by Dr. Frankenstein. Anyway when I got that figured out. I really enjoyed how the story was played out. Dr. Frankenstein was playing God trying to create life in a unnatural way... Rule of thumb, never mess with mother nature. Dr. Frankenstein to me seemed sane for awhile but then looses it when he created his creature. After realizing that he has done more damage than good, he has to find the creature and kill it. 
    Though I felt bad for the creature. This thing was forced to have life coursing through his body... which none of it was his... taking pieces from other people to make this abomination. If I was the creature I would just want to rest in peace. For no one understands why I am and afraid for what I am. The creature was trying to learn again by watching how a family corresponds in the world. He was trying to learn from right from wrong but he had too much hate in him for what his master did to him. 
     The way the novel ended I felt it was the best was to go. Having the creature finding his master dead... knowing he can't get his revenge.. though realizing... he was his master... he gave him life. So the creature died with him. No matter what happens, good or bad.. it all must come to an end.